Off to BlogHer

I got my backpack packed, I got my pretty clothes picked out, I’ve got all my gadgets fully charged, and I’m ready to party.

I don’t think I really understand what I’m going to be walking into, but my goal is to meet a whole bunch of great people, learn a thing or two, and have some fun.

I made myself these pretty new business cards to pass out to all my soon to be cyber-bff’s. I can’t stop looking at them. I adore them.

My big cooking contest is on Saturday. I’ve got an hour to make my dish for a bunch of fancy judges, and then I’ll be interviewed for a video. So I’ve got to look camera ready after all that. So scary, but so fun.

I leave this afternoon and I’ll be back here on Monday. With lots and lots and lots to tell you about, I’m sure. Wish me luck!