I Heart BlogHer

How do you spell gahhjdfig :drool: :thud:?

I seriously cannot remember the last time I felt so worn out. Emotionally, physically…

My feet want to report me for domestic abuse.

But at the same time I’m exhilarated, inspired, feeling like I am a part of new communities accomplishing legendary things, and glowing from days of So. Much. Fun.

The cook-off was crazy and a total blast. I felt like a Top Chef, and I have so much new respect for what those contestants do. That stuff is HARD. And sweaty. I had to keep dabbing my forehead while video rolled and pictures snapped.

I didn’t end up winning, but please believe me when I say that it hardly seems to matter. That is not some hollow “trying to be a gracious loser” speech. I went into the contest feeling really confident, but once I saw, and *tasted*, what everyone else made, I knew it was anybody’s game. The other contestants were so sporting, lending each other supplies, offering to help out when they had a free moment, and so much fun. And Knorr treated us like total VIP’s. When the winners were announced and I wasn’t one of them, I indulged in a couple of bummed out moments, and then I hit the party floor and forgot all about it. There was too much great stuff happening all around me to feel sorry for myself.

This was my first blogging conference, and I got everything out of it that I wanted. I met so many amazing people and hit it off with every one of them. There wasn’t a bummer in the bunch. I spent one day hanging out with the Special Needs bloggers, and another day hanging out with the Craft bloggers, caught up with my pals from San Diego, and spent every night partying with anyone who was standing near me. At the party the first night I walked up to a group of strangers and by the end of the night we were lifelong friends.

There were moments where all the socializing threatened to be a bit much for me. Anxiety and crowds of new people are not known for being great friends. But I knew if I didn’t take advantage of the time I had I would regret it later. So I took a deep breath and threw myself out there. I am so grateful I did.

But now I’m tempted to stay indoors for a while. Plus I have to make it up to my feet.