Grammar police

Bear and I were watching TV the other night, and a laundry detergent commercial came on. It was very retro and showed all the generations of women who have been doing laundry, with the dress and the basement décor changing with each generation. It was very banal and just meant to show the history behind whatever brand of detergent it was. I wasn’t even paying attention, actually.

All of a sudden, Bear sits bolt up in his chair and starts giggling like a 4th grader.

“Did you hear that? Tell me you heard that.”
He tivo-ed back a couple seconds to show me the part of this boring commercial that had him crying and pounding the floor.

The voice-over is babbling on and on about the historical thread of laundry and how it ties all of us together and talks about all the generations that have spent their time washing clothes, especially with their brand of laundry detergent.
We have looked for this commercial everywhere online and have had absolutely no luck finding it. But I promise, this is verbatim what the narrator of the commercial says:

“….your great-grandmother did it, your mother did it, your grandmother did it, and maybe even a man or two.”

Are we alone in seeing the humor here? Of course, they’re just trying to throw a bone to all the responsible men who do some laundry, but thanks to a lazy writer, it sounds like your female ancestors were running a dry cleaners-slash-brothel.

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