So tired…zzzzzzzzzzzz

Have you ever had a bad bought of the flu? One where you were so run down that you couldn’t get out of bed? Where lifting your arms to knit or crosstitch was just more effort than you could expend? Where you found yourself trailing off as you were speaking because you didn’t have the energy to finish your sentences?

Yeah. That’s me. Except I’ll pretty much have this flu for 9 months.

I have done nothing this week except cook dinner, lay on the couch, and watch movies. My Super OCD self hasn’t even bothered to unpack yet.

Boy, kids really do change you.

2 thoughts on “So tired…zzzzzzzzzzzz

  1. Yeah, making babies is hard work. One of my girlfriends slept her way throug the first few months. Just rest and take it easy. Don't feel guilty about it. xoxo

  2. Welcome to pregnancy. After that, there is still no rest…then it's welcome to new motherhood, it tires you.But it's wonderful, absolutely wonderful. =)

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