I’m too dang old for this

At church I work with the teenage girls, which means I also spend a lot of time with the teenage boys, because where one goes, the other follows. This Sunday we’re giving a big lecture about the dangers of the internet, specifically myspace. So as the only person who even knows how to use their email, I’ve been elected the person to handle it.

I never really saw the point of myspace once you were out of high school. Why bother with all the associated nonsense of lists and bad html when you can have a blog. And then I remembered that most blogs consist of nothing more than nonsense lists and bad html. So I guess the virute of myspace is having a blog where all your friends can find it.

In preparation for this big lecture, I’ve been spending a lot of time there, checking out the kids I know, seeing if there are any scary or naughty things that should be addressed, trying to track everybody down. And I’ve gotten totally addicted. It reminded me of when I first got my blog. I wanted to play with all the bells and whistles and decorate it all pretty and not really think about the content. It kept me up nights with plans of everything I wanted to do to it if only I had any clue how. And sure enough, here I am again. Staring at 4 in the morning as I try to find a cute skin for my dang my space page.

I know that all sorts of people use myspace for all sorts of reasons, but I just feel kind of slimy about it. The only people I know personally who use myspace are all high school kids, so I feel like the sad inappropriately dressed mom with the fake boobs and leathery skin shopping at Forever 21.

But I’m doing it for the kids, people. It’s for the children.

5 thoughts on “I’m too dang old for this

  1. Hi there sweetie! I'm so glad I found you again. Shimmy and I were just talking about you and trying to find you to see how you and Bear are doing. We think of you often and hope for nothing but the best. Drop me a line when you have a chance.

  2. Heehee.. I feel that way with my young people, too. But we're still young, right?Tooooootally young. Right?-D.

  3. We got the myspace talk at church for the youth a few months back. The youth in our ward had some pretty sketchy stuff online.

  4. Okay, that was hilarious. But now I want to know how the lesson went, and if you found scary stuff!I was just on myspace trying to find my nephew, I've never been there before. But I'm an ol'd fart.

  5. Heheh … I got a myspace account so I could leave comments for my high school sister. Maybe I can send you a friend request, if I ever figure out how.

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