New Bra Day!

Admit it. You’re wearing something raggedy under there. I was too. But not anymore. I just got these at Target, so they cost me $19.99 a piece. Some day I’ll own really fancy bras that don’t let anything move around, but for today, new $19.99 is better than stretched out elastic.

I dare you. Nobody likes the shopping experience, but I dare you. Treat yourself to a new bra.

2 thoughts on “New Bra Day!

  1. Oooh I like that berry colored one! That's gorgeous! A good bra should last about a year with proper care (not being put in the dryer). So yeah, most people probably need to replace them more often than they do. I'm about six months past where I should have bought new ones and I've lost weight, so I'm definitely due. Think I'll wait until my teenage son is back in school though, I doubt he'd much enjoy going bra shopping with me! LOL!

  2. Well, I just gotta say… for someone who has gone on record talking about about their ample assets it's just not as ample as you think it is if you're able to pick up bras in your size at Target!!!! Bra shopping for me is an online-only experience. Which stinks. So I'm jealous 🙂

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