How to make DIY softboxes for great lighting

I’m not exactly getting much creative time these days, unless you count coming up with ways to avoid doing laundry as creative time, but I thought that enough of you are fellow bloggers/crafters/creative people that you might benefit from great lighting for your projects.

Professional softboxes can be incredibly expensive. So if you don’t want to shell out the bucks for the real thing, here’s how you can make nice soft light with some T-shirts and wire hangers.

4 thoughts on “How to make DIY softboxes for great lighting

  1. I am a huge fan of making DIY stuff and always looking for something new to experiment with. The soft boxes are new to me and I will be trying them out soon the video tutorial is easy to understand. Recently I have tried DIY paints that could be easily converted to black board, I must say the experience is good and you should also give some decoration details.

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