Year of Pleasures: Thanksgiving Leftovers

It’s really a toss up for me which I enjoy more, a whole day of cooking followed by a big feast, or the several days of gluttony to follow. A fridge full of deliciousness always brings me joy.

*New around here? Let me explain. After a bunch of bad times I decided to fill my life with things that bring me pleasure. That year experiment has turned into a way of life. It’s more than just counting blessings, it’s about seeking them out and filling your life with things you love.

2 thoughts on “Year of Pleasures: Thanksgiving Leftovers

  1. I loved reading your last comment. I'm with you. I've wasted too many years of my life being sad…and I've decided to seek joy out myself! So far…it's working. Here's to much more joy for both of us in 2013!!

    Gloria in Virginia

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