What I’m Eating: Egg Salad Sandwich

I have the hardest time making myself an actual lunch. What I end up eating every day is so often a bit of cheese and a bit of bread because it takes no time to assemble. I’ve tried stocking up on deli meat and making myself a sandwich for lunch, but I never end up doing it. The only way I like a sandwich is with fresh veggies on it, and there is no way I’m taking the time to wash and chop lettuce and tomato for my lunch.

Egg Salad is a great change. I get tons of protein so it keeps me really full, and if I work smart it doesn’t take much more time than anything else I could eat. I already keep a bunch of eggs boiled up, and then it’s not much work to mash up the eggs and mix in some mayo, but if I make enough for a few days in a row, that work really gets maximized.