Reaching a milestone of my own

It’s time to accept that I’m not a kid anymore. Sigh.

It’s been nearly 12 years since I dyed my hair, but the day has finally come when my vanity has overcome my laziness. I was a little nervous, so I played it safe and went with a slightly bumped up red from my natural color.

When I was in college I used to dye my hair a different color every week. I tried going Gwen Stefani blond like every other brunette in the 90’s, but the closest I could get, after multiple disastrous versions of orange, was a warm strawberry blond. And by that point my hair was fried.

I gave up and went back to my usual assortment of kooky reds and blacks, my favorite being what my sister and I called “Wonder Woman Blue” which was black with a blue rinse. I had that color when I was engaged to Bear and my mother in law insisted that I absolutely could not have that hair color for my wedding, so she sent me to a stylist who tortured me while she held her phone to her ear with her shoulder and had a screaming match with the person on the other end. After that traumatic experience, I was happy to hang up the dye for a while.

I think I’ll go a little lighter when it’s time to dye again, right now my hair seems to weirdly match my eye color.

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