2011 Year of Pleasures #25

When things need to be put away upstairs and I don’t feel like going there, I have a habit of just setting things on the stairs so I can take them up on my next trip.

I did that a little while ago with my quilting ruler, only to have Bear step on it and snap it right in half.

It was actually a hilarious moment because he called to me as he started coming down the stairs to tell me about something thoughtful he’d done, but instead what I saw was, “Tresa! I just want to call your attention to….” SNAP.

For a second it totally looked like he wanted me to watch him break my things!

I finally went out to pick up a new ruler, but buying a whole new kit with a self-healing mat and rotary cutter was only a little bit more, so I splurged. Plus, look! It’s green and teal! How could I resist?

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