2010 Year of Pleasures #38

I found these while out thrifting over the labor day weekend. Do you know how hard it is to find vintage patterns in a modern size? I saw these and immediately hugged them to my chest while rapturous visions of me dressed up like Joan from Mad Men took me away to a very happy place.

2 thoughts on “2010 Year of Pleasures #38

  1. I am not a thrifter but I love to go thru old houses. I have a few from my grandmother's home and was even able to find a 1960's reproduction of a 1930's pattern in modern sizing. Now I just have to get slim enough to wear it. I loved, on the new Nancy Drew movie that came out a few years ago that in a scene she mentions that she makes all her clothes from patterns that were her mothers. Just an elegance that it is hard to afford these days.

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