Best Weekend

What a wonderful way to spend a day. Snuggled up to my favorite little guy while my favorite big guy makes me breakfast in bed.

Homemade pastry with fresh whipped cream and strawberries. It was perfection. And I only had to fight Lobo off a little bit.

It wasn’t too long before our family snuggletime devolved into a wrestling match between two troublemaking little boys.

Then I opened my presents: A storybook from “Atticus” [wink wink], but in the back were two tickets to the very most awesome comedian Patton Oswalt; and jewelry from Bear. He way overdid, and I spent the whole rest of the day contemplating returning the gift in the name of fiscal responsibility, but that just seems too mean to go through with. Plus it’s shiny and pretty. And since Bear knows that I don’t like diamonds because of the political ramifications of the diamond trade, he found me a gorgeous set of earrings and necklace made out of white topaz. So now I can have my bling guilt free. Except for the whole money part of course.

It was a really great day. The only problem is that Bear has set the bar way too high for Father’s Day. Unless I come through with super bowl tickets, I think I’m screwed.

3 thoughts on “Best Weekend

  1. I love Patton Oswalt!!! I just saw Eugene Mirman a few weeks ago. He was incredible. Happy SECOND Mother's Day. 😉

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