Let the festivities begin!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving weekend. Mine was a wonder. I got to just zen out in my kitchen with a very patient sous chef, and stuff myself sick. We’re still dealing with leftovers five days later. I have absolutely zero estimation skills. I cook every meal as if I’m cooking a banquet feast.

Since then I’ve been running around getting Christmas up, which is quite a job around here, as you’ll see throughout the month. I just sat down and made a list of everything I wanted to share, and I have enough to go for two months of posts. So I have my work cut out for me, and lots of pretty Christmas sights to show you.

I thought it would only be appropriate to start the month off with a few glimpses of one of our Christmas collections: Advent Calendars.

The combination of a beautiful display, and counting, well, that was just custom made for an obsessive compulsive craft artist. It’s just the most logical thing in the world that I should love these so much.

Ever since I was a kid I counted down for every major event in my life. I distinctly remember the first time someone introduced the concept of a paper chain to me, and the process of taking off a link every day. I was in kindergarten and we were all waiting for Christmas break to come. That moment was like the first time someone put a golf club in the hands of Tiger Woods. It just fit with me.

I never let go of the paper chain making. I remember as a teenager I linked my hairbands together to countdown until summer vacation. In college I made a paper chain that ringed my apartment counting down until my wedding day.

Now I’ve got so many that I have trouble keeping up with them. I find myself binging on candy I forgot about at the end of every week. It’s become much more about the symbol of the thing now than the actual count.

At last count I had 13. Most of them are similar to this fancy one up above, a series of doors to open waiting to be filled with a prize inside. I told myself no more of that style, and then I found a bunch of particularly wonderful ones that I couldn’t pass up. My very favorite style are the hardest to find: calendars that require an action. An ornament to hang on a tree, a figurine to bring out and display, those are the ones I’m searching for. Because heaven knows I do not need to be eating 13 dark chocolate lindor balls every day.

2 thoughts on “Let the festivities begin!

  1. Hey guys! We put up our decorations on Saturday after taking family pictures and it made me think of you! How is atti doing? You need to post more pictures of him!!! (not that I don't love looking at your beautiful crafty house… it's just there is something about baby thunder thighs) merry Christmas and Happy Birthday soon!

  2. Alright. I'm way more excited about this post than is healthy.I should not have missed the, er, advent of your advent calendars. We should have stayed longer. Dang.Okay, so the train one, I had in my cart to buy last week, until I saw it was missing part of its mistletoe (and it was the last one). The present one – Steve just got all fussy with me the other night when he saw that one. I had already bought one of the plainer ones for his mom and apparently the present one had been the obvious choice. And the mirrored one, I honestly just emailed the link to this online to my mom this week as a less than subtle hint at what I wanted for Christmas. I LOVE that one.Whew! That was exciting. I just didn't realize we had the same taste in things. It's so unlike us. 😉

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