Round 1 is done!

We did it. We finished the first batch of painting. We’re exhausted.

I’ve spent the past few days just trying to clean everything up after the disaster we’ve been living in for the past three months. Now it’s finally to a point that I feel ready to share. The pictures came out super dark because it’s been so dang hot here that I had to make the place as cave like as possible so I don’t burst into flame. But here’s the ones I think most accurately reflect the color.

The teal color is Valspar’s La Fonda Villa Fountain, and the green is Valspar’s Oakmoss. I went with Valspar because they’re rated best for fading, and since my house gets so much light and I want these colors to stay bold, that was the way to go.

Next to the computer was a built in niche made into a wine rack. Obviously we don’t have a need for that (“I don’t even own *a* gun, let alone *many* guns that would necessitate a gun *rack*”), so Bear had the brilliant idea of reusing the wine racks and just flipping them over. Now we have handy office shelves with an interesting little art deco triangle accent.

Now that we’re done and cleaned up, I can actually take a breath and sit down and enjoy it. Ahhh.

Of course, I don’t really have the luxury of taking a few weeks off, as attractive as spending a few days not covered in paint sounds. Should the worst case scenario happen and we have to move, I can’t exactly put this house on the market with kitchen cabinets that completely clash with all the new fancy paint. Not to mention all the wacky paint still left throughout the place. If we do have to put this house on the market, we’d have a much better chance of breaking even if we can make this place as turnkey as possible. Call me crazy, but when I hear turnkey, I don’t really think of hunter green bathrooms with constellations painted on the ceiling.

7 thoughts on “Round 1 is done!

  1. i'm totally obsessed with that staircase next to that insanely beautiful shade of blue. so elegant!

  2. Hi! Help!! I bought two colors for my room.. Want to make sure is a perfect colors:) the colors are la fonda villa fountain, and southern road

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