I finished something!

My studio is done. Well not really, but like 75% done. I just need to fuss it up with curtains and pictures on the wall, but I actually get to use it now.

Please join me, won’t you?

The color on the wall is Valspar’s Cafe Blue. I wanted something that would work with the rest of the house (since those doors will nearly always be open) without being the very same color as the rest of the house. It’s the perfect blue/gray/green color.

Craigs List down here is just awesome for finding treasures. I got the desk and the antique teak hutch in the corner off of it. The desk is just amazing. Solid wood, ball bearing drawers, and the workspace is 6′ wide. It’s enormous.

The teak hutch is my very favorite. The drawers hold all of my scrapbooking paraphernalia (and a Jem kitty) and the shelves hold all of my fabric that was previously stored in a huge rubbermaid container in a storage unit and therefore never ever used. Going through it all made me realize I’ve bought a lot of really crappy fabric over the years just because it was cheap. One of my many many goals will be to use up or gift a lot of the fabric I have and to start buying decent stuff. No more JoAnn’s clearance racks for me. The prices always suck me in, but my gosh is that stuff junk.

I am still looking for a good armoire to replace either the crappy particle board bookshelf, or the crappy particle board dresser. Maybe someday I’ll eventually get two. It’s amazing the number of armoires for sale on CraigsList.

2 thoughts on “I finished something!

  1. looks so nice & relaxing- the perfect spot to create. that wall color is gorgeous!

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