Knitting I’ve finished lately

Since I burned out on scrapbooking, knitting and jewelry making are what I’ve thrown myself into. I post all my jewelry on my portfolio website, but I can’t do that with my knitting because I only put original designs there.

So here it is:

This came from knitty, the Winter 04 issue.
I made my version in a cool metallic fabric that is either blue or green, depending on how you look at it, and I added a pocket on the front. I also had to change the pattern slightly to fit my handles, but it was worth it because those handles are cool.

And because I’m a perfectionist, I had to add a lining. There’s no point making it if I’ll never use it because my chapstick keeps falling out the bottom!

I also made a bag from 25 Bags to knit, but because I am a sinner and a copyright violator, I screwed up the pattern because I didn’t have the gauge right. (I copied this from the book when I was at Barnes and Noble. I know! But isn’t it the same as checking it out from the library? Almost?)

The handle is super cute, but completely impractical for the size I made the bag. In a larger proportion I’m sure it works fine, but when the entire bag is only large enough to fit my cell phone, keys, cards (not the whole wallet, mind you) and some chapstick if I push it, the whole thing was so flimsy I might as well carry my belongings in a plastic grocery bag.

So, again with the perfectionism, I added a chipboard lining for stability and then covered it up with a pretty green fabric.

There’s another knit project I’m working on right now, but it’s for my friend The Good Twin as payment for all the web designing skillz she’s let me use, and since she’ll be checking in here, I am not at liberty to discuss it.

Since she’s now pregnant with #2 I also want to get started on a baby blanket for her.

Bear’s brother is getting married in a few weeks, so I’ll be crocheting them a blanket, and my friend Bottom is having her first, so I want to crochet her a pretty little something too.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, I’m trying to make some cash through ebay, so I have to get all my stuff together for that.

Funny, when I put it all in a list like that it looks like I’m off my rocker. But I was just thinking about starting yet another new project the other day. I think I’m a sick, sick individual.

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