Happy Canning Accidents

I’ve loved canning for years, but since making the goal to eat from scratch I have been canning non-stop, whenever I’ve been well enough to stand. The bounty of produce in this region is just ridiculous, and I’ve been going nuts with apples and pears.

But I’ve also been trying a bunch of new recipes. I’ve made Peach Pepper Jelly a bunch in the past, so I decided to try a Pear Pepper Jelly, but no matter what I did I couldn’t get it to set up. After a ton of pectin and loads of cook time, it just refused to be jelly. So that means I just made a great pear pepper sauce. Even easier to use, when you think about it. It would mix easier into cream cheese for a great dip, and pour right over meat for a marinade or sauce. I might just do it this way intentionally next time.

I also made pear butter, but my giant pot is a cheap pile of tin and I always end up burning my fruit butters. Luckily this time I caught it early enough that it just added a nice smoky taste. I accidently made caramelized pear butter.

That’s how all my favorite recipes are made – through screwing up, I mean experimenting.

2 thoughts on “Happy Canning Accidents

  1. Progress and success of every human being is achieved with the inculcation and instilling of the knowledge. It is embedded and grounded to the lives of the students. It is the art and articulation of the students to inculcate the precepts and concepts.

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