New Running Shoes

I got some good shoes when I first started working out, and they still barely have any wear on them. That’s what happens when you never go outside. But still, even with my very very careful working out, going as gently as I could, I still ended up with injuries. Major shin splints, knee pain, hip pain, my body was just not built to be a runner.

I doubt I’ll ever be like my marathon running friends, but I still need to be active, so while I’m trying to find what kind of sport really would work for me, I need to find a way to keep going.

The problem is massive over-pronation. Apparently this is every runner’s big nemesis, as it’s a way of running incorrectly that pulls muscles and stresses joints. It’s no surprise it came up, I’ve already had one surgery for my messed up feet and I know I have more in my future. I needed to find something that would help to correct the way that I run and stop the injuries.

I went down to Dick’s Sporting Goods, bracing myself against the hard sell, and instead I found a sweet young guy who showed me exactly what I was looking for, and no more. Instead of the insoles I was planning on I ended up buying a new pair of shoes. They were only $20 more and they felt awesome. Dick’s had all of the shoes labeled and color coded by what problem those shoes solved. It was amazingly convenient and easy, and I didn’t have to endure any lectures or lengthy explanations of why I should spend more money. I felt better immediately.