The Music Man

I spent part of today finally downloading every video we’ve ever taken of Atti’s whole life off of the video camera, and onto the computer.

So in honor of my massive feat of organization, I give you my favorite video ever:

I wish I could say it worked that well every time, but still, it’s the most powerful trick I have in my arsenal.

Netflix just sent us Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist, and the whole time we were watching it I just kept thinking I was watching Atticus all grown up. A sweet, sensitive, music obsessed, quirky kid. I hope so.

10 thoughts on “The Music Man

  1. Awww, he's so cute, I want to eat him up. I second what Michelle said. Thats the cutest thing Ive ever seen. The look on his face when he finally realizes 'oh, theres my music' is priceless. Hugs, Kelly

  2. That is the funniest thing ever! That kid LOVES his music! Look out…here comes maestro Atti!

  3. LOL – too cute. He's like…oh…HEY…wait a minute! MUSIC. He's jammin to the tunes, baby! Suz

  4. This is the funniest thing I have ever seen! How totally cute!

    When I was a baby… I was a fussy eater (meaning I never wanted to eat peacefully…I would not open my mouth). My family found a little trick with me. My grandpa would place his hand on the top of my head very gently and my mouth would pop open (and in would go the food). They have pictures of this even. Seeing your little boy reminded me of that.

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